IRS Trouble for Business Owners – Unpaid Payroll Taxes
Many times in tough economic conditions business owners will get into trouble with the IRS by failing to make the necessary filings or to pay the required payroll taxes. Remember the IRS is a super creditor. One of the most destructive forces to a business owner are unpaid payroll taxes. Many times owners will forgo paying payroll taxes to keep all the other vendors, mortgage companies, etc. current when it might benefit them more to keep the IRS current. IRS payroll taxes cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. The interest and penalty can in many cases get reduced but the taxes will be a slow moving tsunami in the life of the business owner. I have worked with many who have failed to pay payroll taxes. The clients who can right the ship are the ones who immediately take drastic actions to make sure that they are correcting the situation.
If you are in this situation the best thing to do is to get good counsel, who will keep meeting with you until a clear path to being current on your payroll taxes is achieved. Remember almost every other debt a business owner will run into is less signficant and the final outcome of collections is less vicious than the reach of the IRS when it comes to payroll taxes. Call me for help!
Todd Courser 810-245-0813