Estate Planning – A Team Effort May be Best for You
Previously Estate Planning was done by you and a team of tax, legal and estate planning specialists. Now, more and more people are finding it beneficial to include the beneficiaries in their planning. Done properly, with the help of professionals, the relationships between your beneficiaries will hopefully be strengthened instead of torn apart later by misunderstandings.
By having an Estate Planning discussion with your beneficiaries:
1. You won’t have to plan and guess about how family members will react later.
2. Family members can be included, instead of shut out.
3. Mistakes and misunderstandings can be avoided.
4. Beneficiaries can share their perspectives and concerns.
5. A discussion can take place about the values and needs of the family.
6. Everyone can contribute different options.
Once you get better clarity about how your plan will affect your beneficiaries, you can move forward more confidently and finish up your plan with your professional team of advisers.
I understand that having a discussion with family members is not appropriate for all families, but if it is, we can help.
Todd Courser 810-245-0813