Common Tax Problems
One of the most common problems with the IRS is that you owe them for back taxes. As with most debts, such as credit card debt, the IRS charges you penalties, late fees and interest until your debt is paid in full. If it is going to take you awhile to pay off this debt, you may find the charges quickly accumulating. You may not know how to get out of this unending circle, where the charges seem to accumulate as quickly as you make a payment. Call us. We can help.
Another common problem with the IRS is that you have skipped filing your tax return for one or more years. Unfortunately, once one year is skipped, it sometimes seems easier to continue to skip filing your tax return instead of dealing with your problem. Sometimes this is easier for awhile, because it takes the IRS awhile to notice that you haven’t filed a tax return. They may not notice for years. However, when they do, they will file a substitute for return (SFR) for you. In other words, they will do your tax return from information that they have and then send you a bill for the delinquent tax, along with penalties and interest. If it has been a couple years, the penalties and interest could be substantial.
Filing your tax return before the IRS contacts you, can save you money in the long run. Your tax returns should be filed every year, even when you can’t afford to pay them. Call us. We can help by negotiating an installment agreement, maybe setting up a monthly payment, or negotiating a tax settlement. We might be able to prove to the IRS that your tax debt is not currently collectible.
Whatever the problem, call us as soon as possible. We can help you find the best solution to your debt problem. 810-245-0813